Nadine Melendez

Transaction Manager

Nadine is the glue that holds our team together and the central driving force that allows us to operate in the most efficient way possible to serve our clients during transactions and day-to-day operations.

Email: [email protected]

Background and Interests

Nadine started working in real estate since 2000, and since then she has become a specialist in multiple disciplines. She has served as an Escrow Assistant, performed in Property Management, and lead as Director of Operations for a regional top-producing real estate office. On top of all her duties, she also runs her own Transaction Coordinator business!

She is also a mom of two amazing young adults. They are her WHY, the reasons she works hard . Everything she does is for her kids: to make sure they learn excellence and to make their family better. Nadine’s hobbies include yoga, traveling, reading, and spending time with her kids.